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2023 Updates!


My god it's been awhile. I have been going through a bunch, but who among us right?

I have come so far with this site, and some may call me stubborn, but I am resisting going to shopify. I've made this site from scratch by myself through WIX, and while it still doesn't have some of the things that something like Shopify has, I feel like I'm making it work more or less.

So for now we stick with WIX, but I do have some very exciting things in store. I'm connecting more with the brands that I am adding to my site, so that I can confidently talk about the items of theirs I'm carrying. I've been struggling with the shade I get from some creatives when I go to markets. I think the way to fix that is to know a little more about my brands that I've decided to carry. Moving forward, I'm adding things to my shop that I personally use and approve. (I was mostly doing that anyway, but I'm being much more on top of it.)

I don't know how to express my mixed feelings on doing markets lately. I've enjoyed meeting new people and getting my business out there, but some creatives can be so backhanded with their feedback. One person came up to me and said "I can't decide if I want to be an artist, or a business person like you." That rubbed me the wrong way. I said why can't you be both? I mean honestly think about it, how many artists do you know that are able to survive on their art alone? That's the whole reason of owning a boutique in my opinion; to highlight all the things I make and cannot make for others to enjoy.

The term "dropship" has a negative connotation for a lot of people. I'm trying to find a way around that. Maybe it means coining a new phrase, like "dripship:" shipping in drip from all over the world lol. Idk, I have so much on my plate already, I wish I could just hire a marketing team to work on that for me so I could focus more on what I like to focus on, making stuff.

Anyway, I'm going to have a small spot in Memory Den that will be a small taste of what having a brick and mortar might be like. I'm very excited for that. :) I also have a spot at Hollywood Vintage that's been doing well. He mentioned making it more permanent starting in September. I really like having consignment spaces, I'm excited to make these little nooks in the world my own. And if you have any suggestions for small business owners that do dropship as well as their own stuff, drop me a message or a comment!

That's all for now, thanks! :}

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